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Footpath Maintenance

Our Work Parties clear overgrown footpaths and install and maintain kissing gates, footbridges and way-mark posts so that A Coventry Way and the 21 Circular Walks remain open for walkers to enjoy.

See what they have been up to to over the years.

Older articles can be found on the Archive page.

Work Party 30 August 2023

A footbridge on Walk 7 of our 21 Circular Walks, situated between Bubbenhall Wood and Weston Lane, has a rotten centre plank in need of replacement.… Read more

Work Party 27 July 2023

Following reports that part of the route of one of our 21 Circular Walks was seriously overgrown and that a footbridge was in quite poor condition we set out to assess the work needed.… Read more

Work Party 21 March 2023

Again, in readiness for the forthcoming Annual Challenge event our work party set out to trim back the hedges alongside the footpath as it emerges onto Lower Road in the village of Barnacle.… Read more

Work Party 8 March 2023

Repairs to a wobbly stile on a path in Corley Moor meant carrying tools and pushing a wheelbarrow on a half-mile trek from the closest roadway.… Read more

Work Party 21 February 2023

In preparation for the Annual Challenge event in April our four-strong work party cleared a stretch of the roadside footpath along the Stoneleigh Road.… Read more

Work Party 8 June 2021

The work party on this day was to deal with the overgrown stretch on the A route of Walk 15, “The Canal Trail”, near Ansty and Barnacle, and to find the hidden waymark post.… Read more

Work Party 16 January 2020

It took four us of nearly four hours to re-install the double gates at the “The Laurels” on the Fillongley Road, about four miles from the finish of the Challenge. Our good deed for the day.… Read more

Work Party 19 July 2017

A work party cleared the “Behind the hedge path” on the east side of B4455 south of Bretford. A week later we cleared 3 sites on Circular Walk 18.… Read more

Work Party 21 June 2017

A work party further improved the path leaving Hodgett’s Lane to slope down to Greenway, just before the bridge over Greenway – part of Walks 3/3A.… Read more

Work Party 15 March 2017

A small work party re-built the two “stiles” each side of bridge over the river, one field north of Lavender Hall Fishing Lakes.… Read more

Work Party 15 February 2017

We built a new flight of steps and partly cleared the muddy path from Hodgett’s Lane to near the bridge over Greenway – part of ACW & Walk 3/3A.… Read more